
Oct. 28, 2020

Ep03: That's Too Many Spider-Mans And Updates On The Moon Knight and The DCEU

Ep03: That's Too Many Spider-Mans And Updates On The Moon Knight and The DCEU
Sept. 3, 2020

Ep02: Processing the death of Chadwick Boseman and speculating on what comes next, and other comic book meanderings…

Ep02: Processing the death of Chadwick Boseman and speculating on what comes next, and other comic book meanderings…
Aug. 26, 2020

Ep01: Colby Sapp runs through and reviews the new DC trailers, and offers his general ramblings about comic books in general. From his car!

Colby Sapp runs through and reviews the new DC trailers, and offers his general ramblings about comic books in general. From his car!